Covid-19’s Impact on French

The pandemic has influenced everything in our lives, including the language we use. Scientific jargon once reserved for medical personal now rolls glibly off the tongue on a daily basis. Well-worn words have fluffed out their definitions with new contexts while brand new terms have snuck into our lexicon. The pandemic’s impact on language is so great that the 2022 edition of the Petit Larousse dictionary will break with tradition and feature 20 more new words than usual. Ever a stickler for preserving the French language, alternate French expressions will appear alongside their popular English counterparts. However, I fear despite these efforts words like the spiffy “click-and-collect” and “cluster” are here to stay. Cliqué-rétiré and foyer de contagion just take too long to say and are not very cool.

In addition to the popularity contest between words borrowed English words and proper French expressions is a battle over Covid-19’s gender. The Académie Française proclaimed the virus feminine, while the public generally refer to Covid as masculine. The Authorities insist on the la Covid-19, because Covid-19 is an acronym (Coronavirus Disease 2019), which would be translated as la Maladie à coronavirus 2019. The public insist on le Covid-19, because virus is masculine. Of course, this is not the first time the French spoken in the streets does not line up with official protocol, and I am sure it will not be the last.

At any rate, here are some of the French words and expressions I never dreamed would become part of my everyday vocabulary:

l’attestation (f.) de déplacement dérogatoire  sworn statement attesting to exceptional travel

l’auto-isolement (m.)  self-isolation

le cas contact  person who came in contact with infected person

la Covid-19  Covid-19

le confinement  lockdown

se confiner  to confine oneself/remain indoors

covidé(e)  pertaining to Covid; to be infected with Covid

la crise sanitaire  health crisis

le couvre-feu  curfew

le déconfinement  lockdown exit

se déconfiner  to exit lockdown

le dépistage  screening, testing

la distantiation sociale  social distancing

en distanciel  distance (adj)                       

le gel hydro-alcoolique  hand sanitizer

les (f.) gestes barrières  barrier gestures

l’immunité collective  herd immunity

la jauge  (distance) gauge, measurement

le masque  mask

les mesures (f.) de sécurité  safety measures

la pandémie  pandemic

la quatorzaine  14-day quarantine

la réanimation  reanimation

le respirateur artificiel  ventilator

le skypéro  Skype happy hour

le soignant  healthcare worker

le taux de positivité  positivity rate

le traçage  tracking

le vaccinodrome  large temporary vaccination center

le variant  mutation

la visioconférence  video-conference

le zooméro  Zoom happy hour

For a full dictionary of French terms related to Covid-19 and their definition in French, see Henri Goursau’s website:

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